Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Short Biography of Saint Joan of Arc :: essays research papers

A Short Biography of canonize Joan of Arc Saint Joan was born on January 6, 1412, in the village of Domremy toJacques and Isabelle dArc. Joan was the youngest of their five children.While growing up among the fields and pastures of her village, she wasc every(prenominal)ed Jeannette but when she entered into her mission, her name waschanged to Jeanne, la Pucelle, or Joan, the Maid. As a child she was taught domestic skills as well as her religion by hermother. Joan would later say, "As for spinning and sewing, I fear nowoman in Rouen." And again, "It was my mother alone who taught methe Our Father and Hail Mary and the Creed and from none otherwas I taught my faith." From her earliest of years Joan was known for her obedience to herparents, religious fervor, goodness, unselfish generosity and kindnesstoward her neighbors. Simonin Munier, one of Joans puerility friends,tells how Joan had nursed him back to health when he was sick. Some ofher playmates teased her for being too pious. Others remembered howshe would give up her bed to the homeless stranger who came to herfathers door asking for shelter. Joan was like all the others in her village until her thirteenth year."When I was about thirteen, I received revelation from Our Lord by avoice which told me to be good and swear out church often and that Godwould help me." She stated that her Voices were Saint Michael theArchangel, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret. At first her Voices cameto her two or three times a week but as the time for her mission drewnear (five years later), they visited her daily telling her to Go into Franceto raise the siege of Orleans, conduct the Dauphin Charles to Reims forhis crowning and to repulse the English from the land. Joan went to the neighboring town of Vaucouleurs, which means Valley of many another(prenominal) colors. There she spoke to the loyalFrench governor by the name of Sir Robert de Baudricourt. After many rejections he finally agreed to send her to theDauphin who at the time was living at the castle of Chinon. On the evening of February 23, 1429, she began her mission for God. In the company of half a dozen men, she rode through theGate of France on her way to Chinon. Joan reached this town on March 6th, but was not received by the Dauphin,Charles, until the evening of March 9th.

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