Monday, May 13, 2019

Improvement of Practices in Teaching Arabic as a Second language To Term Paper

Improvement of Practices in Teaching Arabic as a Second style To Non-Native Speakers - Term Paper ExampleThe paper proceeds to a discussion of the methods apply for the action research, as s tumefy as a discussion of the data. From there the paper undertakes an involved summary and discussion of the data and the results of the analysis of the data, prior to a more detailed discussion of the front paper done in connection with the action research, together with the analysis and discussion that had been completed in the previous section. The paper then sums up the entire discussion with some conclusions and insights on the whole process, as well as the overall integration of the action research mindful of the findings of the action research as well as of future directions that piece of ass be undertaken related to the command of Arabic as a reciprocal ohm language to non-native speakers. All through come on this process there is an eye towards a better understanding of the tea ching process itself, from the perspective of both the teacher and of the students on the receiving end of the lessons. in that location is also an eye out to being able to generate substantial insights into the data and into the previous exercises, to hopefully come up with breakthroughs with bear on to teaching Arabic to such an audience and with regard to drastically improving learning outcomes and student rapture directs with the affiliatees. Context This semester I have had a great a opportunity to teach an Arabic class for non-native speakers as students. Some of them even originally came from the Middle East but they could not speak nor drop a line in the Arabic Language. During the time when I was researching a number of activities to help my students learn the Arabic language at the beginning of this semester, I came up with the inquiry method. I asked my students their reasons behind wanting to learn Arabic. on that point were different types of answers that I recei ved during the inquiry session but the most interesting answer that I received was that learning Arabic is important so that he could become rich. I almost got stun as to why someone would actually consider Arabic language learning as a way to become rich. On discussion with the same student, I got to know that people consider Arabic as important for getting a decent job which will help them gain wealth in return especially in a country not speak Arabic Language. There was a question I want to ask myself and different people, Am I a frank teacher or not? but if I were to ask that question myself and look for an answer in the reputation I have among my past and present students and my student in the present time in the USA completely different on my student in Morocco , and then I believe that I am, on balance, a good teacher because when I was a teacher in Morocco I got a higher certificate from the ministry of education because I was the first and best teacher in Science in 2005 , and I received a good and great award from Prince Khalid Al Hussein. Therefore, what this means is my teaching pattern results in meaningful and substantive learning on the part of my students. What and how I should be teaching my students, and how can I measure the degree to which they are learning what I am teaching them? The point is that I am regarded as a good teacher, and I believe that this reputation is not groundless. But, on other hand I want to say I am not in the high level of quality of teaching yet as far as language teaching is

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